Gambling Addiction

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Gambling Trends in Ireland: Analysis of the ESRI Reports and Gambling Problems

Gambling Trends in Ireland: Analysis of the ESRI Reports and Gambling Problems

As the Irish gambling industry grows, it also looks like new trends continue to arise. However, these trends are also contributing to the rise of gambling problems. This blog examines the latest ESRI reports, the most popular ways people gamble in Ireland, and the effects of new gambling regulations in Ireland. Most Common Types of […]

<span>Mihnea Mosneagu</span>

Written byMihnea Mosneagu

Exploring the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Compulsive Gambling Addiction

Exploring the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Compulsive Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction problems can affect a player’s life significantly in some of the most negative ways. However, recovery is possible through the right treatment approach. This blog explores the principle of CBT and how it helps Irish individuals with gambling issues develop a healthier life. Understanding What Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Is Overview of the […]

<span>Elena Buzincu</span>

Written byElena Buzincu

Learn to Play Safe with GAMSTOP

Learn to Play Safe with GAMSTOP

Feeling like gambling has got into your life more than you want? Our team of experts has the solution! Our in-depth guide to the useful and comprehensive responsible gambling tool will keep our Irish readers informed regarding what GAMSTOP is, how GAMSTOP works, and much more. What is GAMSTOP? How GAMSTOP Works & How It […]

<span>Francisc Csiki</span>

Written byFrancisc Csiki

Responsible Gambling Institutions in Ireland

Responsible Gambling Institutions in Ireland

In this blog, we go over different resources/helplines Irish gamblers can refer to for help, signs you should pay attention to that suggest you have a gambling problem, different types of gambling therapy, and some gambling statistics on Ireland gamblers. Even if you feel like it, you are not alone! Let’s get you the help […]

<span>Cosmin Brehoi</span>

Written byCosmin Brehoi

How to Break Free from Gambling Addiction

How to Break Free from Gambling Addiction

CasinoAlpha Ireland is on a mission to help Irish players fight gambling addictions and encourage safe gambling habits. This guide highlights all the methods you approach to end gambling addictions, signs to watch out for, and organizations to contact. Gambling Addiction Explained: Signs and Symptoms to Watch For Breaking Free: Ways to Stop Gambling Addiction […]

<span>Adina Minculescu</span>

Written byAdina Minculescu

Taking Control: How to Self-Exclude from Online Casinos

Taking Control: How to Self-Exclude from Online Casinos

Have you been feeling like you’re spending too much time at the casino? Well, it could be a good time to plan your time and stay away for a while. This CasinoAlpha Ireland self-exclusion guide contains a step-by-step walkthrough on how to activate this feature on Irish Casino, as well as other helpful information.  What […]

<span>Ioana Constantinescu</span>

Written byIoana Constantinescu

Stay in Control of Gambling: A Guide for Irish Players

Stay in Control of Gambling: A Guide for Irish Players

Problem gambling changes casino activities from a form of entertainment to a series of real-life burdens. Our iGaming experts completed a market-wide analysis regarding safe and responsible gambling. These are their findings and concrete recommendations for online gamblers in Ireland! All You Need to Know About Problem Gambling in Ireland Steps and Tips to Stay […]

<span>Francisc Csiki</span>

Written byFrancisc Csiki

How to Prevent Gambling Addiction in Children

How to Prevent Gambling Addiction in Children

Irish players can prevent or overcome their child’s gambling addiction with the right app, support institution, or therapy scheme. Use the CasinoAlpha Ireland guide to pick your best options! 1. Use a top Irish gambling control app 2. Seek professional support 3. Provide emotional support Keep calm: essential takeaways on compulsion prevention Consulted resources 1. […]

<span>Adela Mariuta</span>

Written byAdela Mariuta

 Compulsive Gambling: Consequences & Advice

Compulsive Gambling: Consequences & Advice

A lot of changes take place in your brain every time you engage in any gambling activity. Learn from our experts what these changes are, how they affect you in the short and long term, and how your brain gets addicted to gambling! Your brain chemistry while gambling How gambling affects your perception Gambling addiction […]

<span>Ioana Constantinescu</span>

Written byIoana Constantinescu

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